July’s spike in investment in The City "echoes improved market sentiment"

July’s spike in investment in The City "echoes improved market sentiment"

Savills latest overview of the investment market in the City of London "City Investment Watch", suggests that there may be indications that the market might be beginning to show some signs of recover with transactions in The City during July reaching £445.35m, 5% more than the whole of Q2 (£423.1m).

Savills report says that, while this is 53% down on the same time last year (£953m), it is significantly higher than that achieved in June (£61.4m). July’s total is the largest monthly figure since lockdown. The investment volume for the year reached £2.28bn, down 44% on the same point last year (£4.04bn).

July’s investment volume can be attributed to just four transactions, similar to that of June (three), May (four) and April (three). A total of 14 transactions in the last four months compares with 36 deals during the same period last year, highlighting the consistent lack of stock that has been available on the market since the outbreak of Covid-19.

The full report can be viewed here: City Investment Watch