Commercial real estate advisor Ryden has promoted Alan Gilkison to Managing Partner. Based in Glasgow Alan was previously Head of Agency & Development and has been with Ryden for 28 years where he has specialised in the Industrial property market and land development. Alan takes over from Dr Mark Robertson who will return to his client-facing work full time.
Commenting on his appointment, Alan said: “It is a great honour to take over the role of Managing Partner. Mark has led Ryden during an unprecedented period of uncertainty caused by the pandemic and market volatility and has kept us in a strong position by retaining our specialist teams and enhancing client services through technology.
“I will also focus on retaining existing talent and the delivery of future growth through a variety of means including a recruitment and training strategy to ensure the continued provision of an exceptional, personalised service. We love what we do and that enthusiasm translates into getting deals done and supporting our clients across their land and property interests. I’ll also maintain Ryden’s commitment to act ethically, contribute positively to our communities and lessen our impact on the environment.”
Mark added: “It has been an eventful period to be leading Ryden and I’m thankful to the steady team I had around me as we worked our way through constantly changing circumstances. I’ll be returning to my role as Research & Consultancy Partner working on urban expansions, city centre regeneration, manufacturing and public policy, while supporting Alan with his plans for investment and growth.”
Headquartered in Scotland Ryden dominates the local market for commercial real estate transactional advice and has a growing presence in England with offices in Leeds, Manchester and London.
Ryden remained profitable during the pandemic and has increased turnover by 8% and profit by 7% since 2021. The firm has 43 partners and employs over 100 people to deliver property buying, selling and letting advice along with building surveying, project management, planning & research, property management and professional services.