A private landlord, advised by Curchod & Co, has let the final units at Southwood Manor Farm near Hersham in Surrey. The transactions mean that the last eight former agricultural units have now been let.
These refurbished buildings provide storage units ranging from around 1,000 sq ft upward. The self-contained properties have been taken on separate leases at rents equating to £10 per sq ft. In addition, 5,535 sq ft of open storage has been let on a rolling 12-month licence at an annual rent of £15,500.
Gary Whittaker of Curchod & Co in Weybridge said: “The growth of online retail and the focus on ‘last mile delivery’ means that there is a huge demand for secure storage and distribution properties at this time. We can only see this market strengthening, to the benefit of schemes like this.”
Tenants at Southwood Manor Farm include Red Sea Stone Limited, A & R Porter and Paton of Walton Limited.