Dorchester Living to build 6,000 new homes in Oxfordshire

Dorchester Living to build 6,000 new homes in Oxfordshire

Developer Dorchester Living has uveiled its plans to build 6,000 new homes on the former US airbase in Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire, in a scoping request ahead of submitting a planning application to Cherwell District Council.

The proposals include a mix of housing tenures plus a new railway station with direct connections to London and Birmingham, renewable energy generation and open space for leisure and biodiversity improvement, including a central park.

Paul Silver, chief executive of Dorchester Living said: “In recent weeks the new government has made clear that it is committed to enabling a major house building and infrastructure programme to deliver the homes and facilities that the country needs.

“A focus on brownfield-first development and the provision of high-quality, mixed-tenure homes sits at the heart of this, and we at Dorchester Living fully support its ambition and we are ready to play our role in helping to achieve it.”

Dorchester Living said the scheme would create 3,000 new jobs via 538,200 sq ft of commercial space, which will focus on cleantech industries.