Long-term Life Science Investment Partner Announced for Norwich Research Park

Long-term Life Science Investment Partner Announced for Norwich Research Park

Norwich Research Park is delighted to announce a major new investment partnership with real estate investment manager, Vengrove, to construct new laboratory and office accommodation at the internationally renowned research park, a top-tier global research and innovation campus.

Norwich Research Park hosts a community of more than 30,000 members. Underpinning this thriving ecosystem are six internationally renowned institutions, all within close proximity, creating an unparalleled environment for collaboration and innovation.

Within walking distance are the Earlham Institute, John Innes Centre, Quadram Institute Bioscience and The Sainsbury Laboratory, four of the UK's most prestigious bioscience research institutes in the UK.

Also on campus is the University of East Anglia (UEA), a UK top 20 university hailed for delivering high quality, high impact research, and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, a teaching hospital undertaking high value research that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes worldwide.

This cluster of world-class facilities and expertise on a single, integrated, site means Norwich Research Park’s offer is both compelling and unique, making it an appealing proposition for prospective tenants and collaborators from around the globe.

Driving growth and innovation

Over the past two years, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the John Innes Foundation (JIF) and UEA (the Norwich Research Park landowners) along with members and the Board of Anglia Innovation Partnership LLP (Norwich Research Park's campus management company) have actively sought the ideal partner to spearhead an ambitious growth agenda.

This new investment partnership will cater to the evolving needs of both current and prospective tenants, fostering the conversion of research breakthroughs into successful ventures across key market sectors, including:

  • Agribiotech
  • Food biotech
  • Industrial biotech
  • MedTech

With a clear ambition to connect industry, startups and high-growth companies with Norwich Research Park's world-class research expertise and facilities, Vengrove's partnership is set to secure the research park’s position as the premier location for research and innovation, both in the UK and on the international stage.

Bolstering the UK’s long-term bioscience prowess

As one of five research and innovation campuses supported by the UKRI Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Norwich Research Park also benefits from BBSRC's strategic investments in the Earlham Institute, John Innes Centre and Quadram Institute Bioscience.

Totalling £163.9 million through to 2028, this funding aims to bolster the UK’s national research capabilities in key areas such as crop resilience, food safety and security, sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health.

Looking ahead, UKRI has also committed to a significant £317 million investment in Norwich Research Park to establish a pioneering plant and microbial research hub by 2030. This venture, backed by UKRI's infrastructure fund, promises to revolutionise JIC and TSL’s existing capacity and capability, ensuring the long-term success of UK bioscience.

Voices of support

Professor Anne Ferguson-Smith, BBSRC Executive Chair, said: “As well as marking a crucial phase in Norwich Research Park’s ambitious growth plans, this exciting new partnership represents a significant milestone for BBSRC in bolstering the UK’s bioscience research and innovation capabilities. This deal underscores the vital contributions of our strategically supported institutes and research and innovation campuses to the UK's economic growth through bioscience innovation.”

Professor Nick Talbot FRS, Executive Director of The Sainsbury Laboratory, said: “We are very excited by the new partnership being embarked on between Norwich Research Park and Vengrove Real Estate Management. It is great to see the park developing as a vibrant centre for innovation, capitalising on the amazing discovery science going on in each of the partner institutions. At The Sainsbury Laboratory we are absolutely committed to translating our science into innovative biotechnology applications, for agriculture, healthcare and sustainable industries.  Norwich Research Park can be world-leading in these areas and this investment clearly demonstrates that potential.”

Professor David Maguire, Vice-Chancellor of the University of East Anglia, said: “This is a really exciting partnership that will aid the expansion of Norwich Research Park at a crucial time when growth and innovation have never been more important.  This is a very positive development to take forward the research park into a new era and I warmly welcome it.

“We very much take a long-term view across our portfolios which means our clients get our full commitment and a stable environment in which to work. Norwich Research Park is undoubtedly world-class in its fields of science and now, with the support of Roz and the team and Board at Anglia Innovation Partnership, we are going to build world-class facilities that will attract further exciting high growth companies to the campus.”

From bench to boardroom

Andrew McLean, Partner and Head of Development at Vengrove, added: “We are very excited to be embarking on this new partnership with the research community at Norwich Research Park. With the potential to deliver 75,000 sqm of market-leading accommodation, we are looking forward to supporting the brilliant science that takes place by providing facilities that will help the transition from bench to boardroom and playing our part to unlock positive economic and social impact for the regional economy and tackling the big global challenges.”

From vision to reality

Roz Bird, CEO of Anglia Innovation Partnership, said: “This is a really significant milestone for the research campus. It will enable us to activate existing planning consent and supply new, flexible laboratory and office accommodation to meet market demand.

“With the park full of exciting high-growth companies, the time is right to create new accommodation that will be needed to meet the demands of growing companies and help attract and retain companies that want to benefit from being located at Norwich Research Park.

With national asset status in engineering biology, and now with access to the necessary real estate investment, Norwich Research Park’s growth trajectory is ensured.